Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Reading exercise numero uno!!!

I have read the first chapter and I am feeling pretty good about this book. I am trying to take notes as I go so I can kind of write what I am feeling as I go along. I feel like Gretchin and I are on the same wave length, which makes the book that much easier to read. J Well, I am posting my notes below. Here goes….

As I started reading the “getting started” section, I read a question “What is Happiness”? I must admit, I have been sitting here for a while thinking what “happiness” means to me. At this point in my life “happiness” means loving me and feeling content and feeling like I am being productive. I am not a spiritual person at this particular point in my life, so I cannot say that spirituality is something that creates my happiness. However, spirituality is definitely on my list. ;) Making people laugh brings me joy, being a good girlfriend to Michael brings me joy, working hard at work, having a good conversation with someone, eating healthy and working out brings me joy. I just have to FORCE myself to workout. When I do it, I love it.

I just explained what makes me happy and the only problem is I am not even anywhere close these feelings. That is probably the first thing I would like to tackle. I would like to start feeling good about myself. I have literally been in hibernation for some time. My apartment has become my cocoon and it takes a lot to get me out of here. Sad, I know. In a way, I gave up on living my life to the fullest. I feel like I have been dwelling on the past for waaaayyyy too long and am ready to rid the NEGATIVITY and really try this challenge. I feel like I am kind of going on tangent now, so I am going to leave a list of things I would like to work on. It may not equal 12 things and mind you, it’s in no particular order at this point. I am just writing as I go.

1) ATTITUDE- Respect people and myself. Attitude adjustment, would like to lose this chip on my shoulder. Learn to control my rude thoughts and comments.

2) HEALTHY LIVING- Eat right, exercise more. Get more sleep.

3) BE GRATEFUL- for what I have. Family, friends, REMEMBER that it is not about me. L

4) Be a better friend/family member.

5) VOLUNTEER-be helpful, give back.

6) SPIRITUALITY- seeking enlightenment, contentment

7) MARRIAGE- how to be a better GF/WIFE to be. J Giving more to my future marriage.

8) LOVE- myself for who I am. No matter what size, how my face looks etc. ACCEPTANCE!

9) BALANCE- Find balance in everything I do. It does not always have to be all or nothing. Make sense?

Again, this line up is in no particular order and will most likely change as I continue to grow. J Did I even do this project right? Ha ha, I am scared! J I hope this makes sense and I must say that I am digging this whole book club business! Kendra thanks for inviting me to join this experience. :) *hugs*

Love always,

Dana Rae :)


  1. Dana! Look at you--first one to do your homework! Nice work;) I don't think there is a "wrong" way to be in a book club...(at least I hope not?=) Anyway, I loved your post. I haven't started the book yet, but will be reading the first couple chapters this weekend. I'm excited because it sounds like it is very thought provoking. =)

    Good idea to take notes as you go so you don't forget certain ideas by waiting until the end of the chapter to try to write it all down. It sounds like you're off to a very good start at being truly HAPPYYYYYY!!! I know all of us are going to have slightly different ideas of what it means to be genuinely happy...but I feel like our ultimate goal is the same: Be content with who you are, love yourself, love others, and find a reason to smile every day =) I'm glad you are in this book club group...looking forward to seeing your list keep growing. =)


  2. Dana - I loved your post! Like Trista said I don't think there is a wrong or right way to do this. I do wish there was an easier way to see when each other posted but we'll get it figured out. I also have not had much time to read since doing the first two chapters the other night so I hope to get caught up this weekend! Thank you for sharing - I think we might have quite a few similarities in our lists (well except for being a better wife and girlfriend)! :)

  3. Trista, I love what you wrote here "Be content with who you are, love yourself, love others, and find a reason to smile every day =)". I love it!

    kendra, I always thought we had similar ways of feeling/thinking. Perhaps that is why I like you. :) I am excited to see where this book journey takes us. I am addicted to this book. I must admit, I was laughing through chapter two because I relate a little well with Gretch (as if we are close friends). :)

  4. By the way, there is a SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom where you can click to post a comment. Well, if you click SUBSCRIBE apparently it will notify you when there are comments posted. I just clicked it, so I will see if it alerts me.

  5. Dana look at you go! I love it! You are a professional at this blogging stuff :) So I am trying to get through my other book right now for school but I got my book in the mail just a couple days ago so I will be getting into it soon! but reading all these comments makes me very excited to read it! And Dana I LOVED your trip out here! I am so lucky to have such an awesome sister!
    I love you girls!

  6. 1. the truth really does set You free.
    2. what other people think about me is none of my business.
    3. the only thing that matters is what i think of me.
    4. laugh religiously. if not naturally, fake it. it turns into real.
    5. everything is being done for me not to me.
    6. everything is an answer to a prayer
    7. there are no mistakes. ever. or coincidences.
    8. trust
    9. always bring a toothbrush and underwear in Your carry on.
    10. say thank You, always
    11. dont just dream, make an action plan for them.
    12. nurture relationships
    13. look at what You dont want to look at
    14. nothing changes if nothing changes
    15. why isnt shannon in this bookclub? :)
    16. health is key in happiness
    17. touch nature it will touch You
    18. we teach others how to treat us
    19. stay teachable
    20. sometimes nothing but the F word will do
    21. be willing to be embarrassed
    22. yelling in arguments is rarely effective. if i wasn't against saying never, i'd say never.
    23. give what You want to get
    24. dont take yourself too damn seriously
    25. sleep when You're tired.

    i think i need to stop. 1- Dana You're the bomb.
    happiness. such a facinating, elusive topic. much like trying to define love...

    the common denominators of happiness for me are:
    1. I am at peace with myself.
    2. I feel connected to something greater and others.
    3. I feel 100% comfortable to be me
    4. Laughter
